The Twilight Quiz

This quiz tests how much you know about twilight! Do you love it? Or did one of your facebook friends tell you about it? Find out! I love twilight and some of my friends are totally obbsessed! And one of my friends sisters won't stop staring at Taylor Launters abs! It's kinda creepy!

This test is for twi hearts or whatever you like to call them! I love the volturi! They are so cool! :) I hope you enjoy my quiz! I love twilight! :-)

Created by: Gold_Fish_Guy
  1. Who wrote the books for the twilight saga?
  2. What is the name of the second book?
  3. Which Actor plays 'Jacob' ?
  4. What is the name of the vampire that tries tries to kill Bella in the First Movie/Book?
  5. In witch book does Bella get married to Edward?
  6. Who is Married to Roasalie?
  7. What was Edward dying of before he Became a Vampire?
  8. What do the Cullens Drink instead of human blood?
  9. What colour eyes do the Cullens have?
  10. What are Bella's parents names?

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