the three-part two (dirty) (for girls)

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Created by: Kittygrl58
  1. So as you follow Chad along you see that Danny isn't in his original cell.But don't question it because you no that he will just get angry again with you.He brings you into a bathroom and a bath is filled with rose petals and next to it is a see-through bikini
  2. Chad says that he ran the bath for you but he got you a bikini"and if you don't do what I say then Danny dies" says chad. "okay okay. I'll do what you say"
  3. you change into the bikini with chad watching you and you get into the bath. when you're done Chad says to let him help you get changed.
  4. When you get out of the bikini Chad grabs your clothes and the bikini. he runs off and hides them. when he gets back he has clothes in his hands.
  5. the clothes in his hands are a shirt that is cut so you can see your b00bs, a skirt so high you can see your underwear, and a thong.
  6. You put the clothes on and Chad tells you to go to bed. when you get there Chad comes in and gets in the bed with you.
  7. he rips off your shirt and unclips your bra. he takes off his shirt then his pants but leaves his boxers on then he takes of your skirt but leaves the thong on
  8. he rips the thong off with his teeth and tells you to do the same with his boxers. you lean down and take his off with your teeth.
  9. he sticks his dic* in your face and tells you to suck it. while you suck his dic* he squeezes your b00bs and then flips you to your back and pulls his dic* in and out of your as*
  10. he flips you over and stuffs his dic* in your puss* hard. you scream then black out.

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