the sorting hat... What are you in?

Hi welcome do you know what house your in and if not... DO THE QUIZ. Well it tells you really short questions because I hate reading and i feel your pain if your like me. Sooo yeah.

So tight now im making you do this test because i just said so evenI dont control you so yeeeah.😳😊 so just take this test and you will be my bestfriend!!

Created by: Michelle
  1. Who is your favorite character?
  2. Favorite animal.
  3. Who would win? Malfoy or Hermione?
  4. Which number?
  5. Whydid you take this quiz?
  6. Are you stupid?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Do you only care about money?
  9. Voldemort or dumbledore
  10. Cho or Cedric

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Quiz topic: The sorting hat... What am I in?
