The Perfect Girl for a Libra.

There are many people who would love to meet someone like you. I wonder if you are compatible with me. Take this quiz so I can get a better idea of what you are all about.

Are you looking for a man? I am a man and I may be looking for you. I'd like to ask you a few questions to better understand you and get an idea of our compatibility l.

Created by: Qwerty234
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you consider yourself to be controlling or in charge?
  2. Do you hold grudges?
  3. How many sexual partners have you had up to now?
  4. Do you believe you can be friends with someone you've had a sexual relationship with while being in a relationship?
  5. Do you believe in God?
  6. Are you single?
  7. How many times have you cheated? (Any sort of entertaining another person not just sex)
  8. Do you believe in Karma?
  9. What kind of man attracts you?
  10. Light skinned or Dark Skinned?
  11. Who would you pick to spend a day with?

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