The Health and Hygiene test

Only so many people are healthy but with work, we could all become healthy. Take the quiz of health and hygiene, to find out if you need to improve your lifestyle or whether you are a health wizard.

Are YOU healthy? Take the quiz honestly to find out if you need tips or not on how to maintain a healthy balance.

Created by: Goosey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how often do you excersise?
  2. are you and eldest sibling?
  3. do you compete in (school) sports?
  4. Height?
  5. Weight?
  6. How often do you brush your teeth?
  7. think fast!
  8. Did you think fast?
  9. how many pieces of fruit do you have a day
  10. are you happy you did the quiz?

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