The Astronomy Test

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Welcome to a journey where the stars and planets await you. You are about to take your ship to many different kinds of galaxies... only, you're stuck here doing this test.

How much do YOU know about Astronomy? And will your science knowledge help along a little bit? Come on down, as they say on the Price Is Right, and put your patience to the test.

Created by: Danni
  1. What do you call a star that does not go below the horizon?
  2. What is the name of The North Star?
  3. The Sun emits what kind of skin hazardous radiation?
  4. Which of these types of radiation poses no danger to us?
  5. What does SPF stand for?
  6. What is The Plough / The Big Dipper?
  7. Which of these guys made a TV series (in the 1980's) known as Cosmos?
  8. Which of these might happen when the Sun's life ends?
  9. What is Pluto?
  10. In the Solar System, everything revolves around...
  11. Europa is one of Jupiter's moons.
  12. The Big Bang is...
  13. The astronomer Carl Sagan was...
  14. Saturn and Jupiter are...

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