TF2 friendlies test

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This is a test. You know, you smart. This test for you. You see if you friendly, if so, have sandvich, if not have a bullet. Yay!! Also, there are non- (continues in the next paragraph.

-friendly options. If you aren't a friend to all, I'm looking at you. Also, no pootis, sorry. Also, this is my first quiz, so it will probably be bad.

Created by: Raccoon Neighbor
  1. What is your gender
  2. What is your favorite colo(u)r?
  3. What do you do when you see a friendly?
  4. What video games do you play
  5. What mode of the game do you play?
  6. what do you do in your free time?
  7. What's your favorite catchphrase?
  9. What is your favorite taunt?
  10. Do you cap?
  11. You kill a friendly, what do you do?

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