Test Yourself! What's your real animal?

There are many many different animals,but what animal are you? Are you cunning,fierce,intelligent,deadly? You can find out when you take,"Test Yourself!What's your real animal?"

Do YOU have the qualities it takes to qualify for the titles?Not sure? Well,now you can find out in just a very few minutes! Find all you've wanted to know!

Created by: Nicole
  1. If you were told that your best friend was going to Costa Rica,and wasn't coming back,what would you do?
  2. What type of personality would you say you have?
  3. If you only had 60 seconds to get out of your house,what would you take?
  4. If you witnessed someone being bullied,what would you do about it?
  5. What's your favorite animal?
  6. If you were to be anything,what would you be?
  7. What's your dream job?
  8. How many boyfriends have you ever had?
  9. If you found put your best friend had betrayed you,what would you do?
  10. If you had to move away,what attitude would you have?

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Quiz topic: Test myself! What's my real animal?