Techno quiz 4 nerdz

Welcome to the TECHNO QUIZ *dramatic voice*, where you can learn if you are a true technoblade fanboy/girl or other. (If you beat this quiz, you get 10 techno coins where you can redeem... no where.)

Try your hand at the hardest (not actually) Most comprehensive (jk) and bestest (ur gramma sucks and that not true) TECHNO QUIZ EVER CREATED, have fun :).

Created by: ur name jk
  1. Which one of these is not techno's pet?
  2. Which of these quotes hasn't techhoe said in a video?
  3. Which of these quotes hasn't techno said in a video?
  4. Did techhobald ever have a cringey animated minecraft intro that included him killing huahwi that he featured for a total of three episode?
  5. How many guilds has technobladed made?
  6. Who made techn0b@lde's thumbnail?
  7. Which one of these isn't a quote that shreknoblade has said?
  8. Does techyesblade use hacks, if so, which one/s?
  9. Which of the following is not one of technoboi's video titles?
  10. Is technoblade a nerd?!!?!?

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