Take This Quiz And I'll Make You Anime Animal

I hope you enjoy this quiz, and I actually have a real friend named Amber. She wrote what she said in this quiz, I got her to came cause I thought it would make it a bit mor fun. Anyways, tell me what you get in the comments!

Antelope Pronghorn Tiger Lion Blobfish Wolf Dog Giraffe Saiga Cat Parrot Cottontail Rabbit Swamp Rabbit Coyote Alligator Elephant Seal Rhino African Wild Dog Amur Leopard

Created by: FennecWolfie_Paw
  1. Hello! My name is Jayden. I'm part fox, part wolf. Ready to see what you are??
  2. Ok so, before we start, we are going to do a- :Amber Walks In: Amber: WHAT!?. Oh, this is Amber my friend Dragon. So now we can start.
  3. Your walking in the forest with one question stuck in your head; but what is that question your thinking of?
  4. After- Amber: WAIT!! I'm gonna day now. Amber: After that, you hear something coming from the bushes. What do you do?
  5. Good answer, the next day you wake stranded on an island. You get up and..
  6. Right then you have the best idea to escape-that will work. But the next you know, sharks surrounded the island! Unfortunately....
  7. 3 weeks later, your up at 2 A.M and hear a voice. You realize it's very early, so you knew it could only mean one thing:
  8. Later, you see a ship start swimming to it.
  9. But then you realize you can't swim.
  10. Then, you floated back up and landed on the ship. What made you float?
  11. Ok last question, how would you rate this quiz?

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