Take the quiz, and Ill give you an emo band to listen to!

Hi! This is my first quiz! I hope you like it! This quiz will give you a band to listen to based on the questions you answered! There are many different bands you could get as well!

As always feel free to give any feedback about, bugs, problems, or any suggestions for new bands, questions, or quizzes! I hope you enjoy my quiz, and make sure to have fun! 😊🖤

Created by: Kid from yesterday
  1. First of all hi, welcome to my quiz! Thank you for coming! Anyways 1. What do you think is most important to have in a song?
  2. Next question! 2. How do you think lyrics should be wrote? Example: like should they be meaningful, about a real life experience, love, drama, etc.
  3. Another question! 3. What’s your favorite genre of music?
  4. More questions! 4. What are some other bands you like?
  5. 5. If you could spend a day with someone who would it be?
  6. 6. What band do you want to get?
  7. 7. What’s your favorite song out of these?
  8. 8. If you could be someone for a day, who would it be?
  9. 9. Second to last one! Ok when I say car crash…what dose it make you think of?
  10. 10. And dun dun dun dun dun dun!!!!! Last question :D thank you for playing first of all! Ok if you could go anywhere where would it be?

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