southside_little_yandere gachas

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if you like southside on tic tok then play this quiz if you don't please no hate she's my best friend and if you don't hate i'll ask her to give you a shout out

if you like southside on tic tok then play this quiz if you don't please no hate she's my best friend and if you don't hate i'll ask her to give you a shout out oh and she loves RPing in tik tok

Created by: flare soul
  1. RP time:you see your twin sister push down and punch a jock that is bigger than her then you see her smile and grab something what do you say?
  2. RP time:a person tackled and held your boss down what would you do
  3. Rp time again:you are at a party and you feel someone watching you what do you do
  4. your at war with your sister for takeing the last cookie
  5. you have been a spy for layla for over a year and get caught what do you do
  6. your mom and dad are fighting what do you do
  7. im out of ideas so~ who would you follow on tik tok for gacha
  8. how old is southside_little_yandere
  9. what color does she like
  10. who is her best friend?
  11. what grade is southside_little_yandere in?

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