Sorting Hat Quiz...

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You love Harry Potter. You've read the books and watched the movies. But one question lingers on your mind: which house would you be sorted to at Hogwarts? The Sorting Hat will decide!

Fans of Harry Potter have created many sorting hat quizzes. We've selected our favorites to appear in this category. Have fun! And see if your friends get sorted into the same house as you, or if they'd be a rival.

Created by: Hittesh
  1. You’ve made it to Hogwarts, which means you’ve already bought a wand from Ollivander’s. What material is at its core?
  2. What pet would you take to Hogwarts?
  3. If your friend was being picked on, what would you do?
  4. Would you like to play Quidditch ?
  5. What role would you prefer ?
  6. What name would you hate being called
  7. Which Harry Potter character do you like the most?
  8. If you got a howler, what would it be for?
  9. It's Saturday, you've finished your homework, and you have some free time. What would you do ?
  10. And finally: We know that the Sorting Hat takes into account your preferences. So which Hogwarts house do you feel you identify with most closely?

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