Social Credit Russian test

If you are good Russian citizen test yourself in this interesting quiz. For each question you'll get vodka points. How you probably already understood this quiz is easy for true Russians but hard for others.

If you pass u get respect, if not - go to jail. That's the rules. You will say: they are cruel. But not! It's normal! And if you have bad result, that's ok, after sitting 3 years in prison you can try again.

Created by: Russkiy Patriot
  1. Is Putin "the killer"?
  2. What is better? Vodka or Big Mac?
  3. Who is Alexei Navalny?
  4. Will you go to army to protect Russia?
  5. Do you know who is BTS?
  6. Who is friend and who is enemy?
  7. Is "Tetrad Smerti" a good anime?
  8. Do you watch "Children vs Magicians"?
  9. How do you name your friend?
  10. How are you?

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