So you think your pretty? lets see

Well, we have our self centered people, our geeks, and our like myself who we are people. we had them throughout our lives and we often wonder what other people think about us. well you can find out.

Are you as pretty as you think? Do you have inner beauty? This quiz enters a quick look into yourself to see if you are what you thought you were!!!!!

Created by: gabrielle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you think of yourself?
  2. How long do you spend in a day do you spend staring at yourself?
  3. What kind of clothes are in your closet?
  4. If you were ugly what would you do?
  5. Are you mean to people?
  6. Do boys/girls take time out of their day to try and make conversation with you?
  7. are you overweight?
  8. Do you make people smile?
  9. What trait do people like you for?
  10. What will your result be?

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Quiz topic: So you think my pretty? lets see