So you think you might know me...

Hihi, so I was bored at work this afternoon. I decided it would be fun to make up a quiz, and the questions started forming... So here it is. How well do you know (or remember) me?

My guess is that most will fail this quiz, but that doesn't really bother me all that much. After all, I've been out of touch with most people for about a year now. We'll see what happens.

Created by: Elisa
  1. Where was I born?
  2. My boyfriend is named ____, and he grew up mostly in _____.
  3. How many piercings do I currently have?
  4. My favorite color is ____.
  5. My first dogs were what breed?
  6. What's my favorite gem?
  7. What's my zodiac sign?
  8. Of the following, which am I NOT scared of?
  9. My cat is named ___, after ___.
  10. Which sport do I find most boring to watch?
  11. Growing up, I did all of the following EXCEPT:
  12. Currently, my dream job is...
  13. If I could go anywhere in the world by myself, I would go to....
  14. In my life I have had...
  15. What's my teddy-bear's name?
  16. ____ make(s) me vomit.
  17. What have I had surgery for?
  18. Last year I dyed my hair what color?
  19. My pets names are...
  20. What is my favorite thing to buy for myself?
  21. Of the following, which movie did I NOT like?
  22. My favorite soft drink is...
  23. Who is the only person likely to get all of these answers right?

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