Smash or pass my music taste

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These aren’t all my fav songs there’s ALOT more and this thing is acting like school and it’s making me type a lot of stuff so idk what to put in here but yeah

How bad can I be I’m just doing what comes naturally how bad can I be I’m just following my destiny how bad can I be I’m just doing what comes naturally how bad can I be how bad can I possibly be

Created by: muyricoqueso
  1. Without me-Eminem
  2. Be happy-Mary j blige
  3. Obsesión-aventura
  4. Business-Eminem
  5. Happy-Ashanti
  6. Family affair-Mary j blige
  7. Rap snitch knishes-MF DOOM
  8. Dile-Don Omar
  9. Dos locos-los horoscopos de durango
  10. Shut up and drive-Rihanna
  11. Hot in here-Nelly

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