SM64 ROM Hacks Quiz

Search by hack nameFilter by tagOriginalxFilter by category Hack NameCategoryStarsAuthorsUploadedCreatedDifficultyRatingDownloadsBill's Mario HackOriginal120LinCrash, TheLegendOfLuigi2021-05-04 2010-01-31 5.14 ⭐6.0093Sky Level (1st Custom)Original1Camden11012021-05-04 2010-03-03 1.75 ⭐4.5070SM64 The Wacky WorldsOriginal13Dudaw12

SM64 The Wondrous Worlds Original32The64MarioMan2021-05-04 2010-08-16 5.25 ⭐3.9276Super Mario 64 - Christmas Carnival SpecialOriginal3Skelux2021-05-04 2010-12-22 2.76 ⭐5.1053Monochrome Mario 64Original7Vinnyboiler2021-05-04 2011-05-18 4.16 ⭐6.0584NEW Super Mario 64Original35porcellusstudios2021-05-04

Created by: Arthurtilly
  1. What was the first major hack to ever release?
  2. What is the name of Kaze's first original hack?
  3. Which hack started the trend of "extreme" hacks?
  4. What is the title of Star Revenge 3.9?
  5. What fully original hack (not vanilla levels or a tech demo) has the most stars?
  6. What was the first hack to have 182 stars?
  7. Which of these Star Revenge hacks released the latest?
  8. How many stars are there in SM64: The Missing Stars?
  9. Which of these is NOT a course in Super Mario 74?
  10. What is the best SM64 ROM Hack ever made?

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