Skeletal System, how well did you listen?

This is a quiz on knowledge of the skeletal system, along with a few fun tricks to try! It's recommended you have some prior knowledge to complete this quiz as there are a few tricky questions

If you think you are smart enough to do this with no knowledge, why not just give it a go! Find out if you're a smart cookie or not, learn a new thing or two :)

Created by: Albert
  1. What is the skeletal system?
  2. What is the skeletal systems main function?
  3. Which one of the following is not a function of the skeletal system?
  4. How many bones make up our body? As a baby, then as an adult
  5. Which of the following four, is a bone structure designed to protect an organ?
  6. Which of the following is not a type of bone joint?
  7. What does the skeletal system consist of?
  8. What system isn't the skeletal system linked with?
  9. Can you remember the result from Rickets disease?
  10. What is another name for your kneecap?
  11. What are the bones called that make up your wrist?
  12. What is another name for your fingers?
  13. What percentage (%) approximately, of your body's height is made up by your femur?
  14. What connects bones to other bones?
  15. Your forearm is the same size as......?

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