Should you marry Stefan or Damon Salvatore

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Welcome to the Salvatore match making game! Here you will find out if you are Stefan Salvatore's or Damon Salvatore girl. Whether you want a fiery love of a calm love, this quiz is for you

SO.... here is the the thing.... Elena is asleep and Damon needs a chick. Plus we all know Valerie and Stefan are not a good match. Maybe you are! If you take this quiz, you'll know!

Created by: Anna
  1. Do you want a man to be protective?
  2. How did you do in school?
  3. Do you mind people seeing you cry?
  4. Hero or Villon, which is hotter?
  5. Do you like this quiz? No effect.
  6. leather jackets?
  7. Are you mean or nice?
  8. Do you want to have a man who is rough and sexy or kind and sexy?
  9. Do you trust easy?
  10. Are you looking for a serious long term relationship?

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Quiz topic: Should I marry Stefan or Damon Salvatore
