Should you evolve jibanyan into thornyan or baddinyan?

If you have ever seen the yo kai watch anime, or played the video game for nintendo 3Ds, you'll know that the mascot spirit of this franchise is a two–tailed cat by the name of jibanyan, who is searching for his owner, Amy. I don't want to reveal any spoilers for you that haven't watched the anime, but let's just say it evolves cars, clothing, and cats.

But did you know that this faithful friend can be fused? He can become baddinyan or thornyan, depending on what yo kai you fuse him with. Some people like to keep him as he is until post–game, in the infinite inferno. Others like to fuse their jibanyans as soon as possible. If you are stumped on what to fuse jibanyan with, thought, take this quiz!

Created by: GerraGerraShogunyan
  1. Why do you want to evolve jibanyan anyway?
  2. What does this jibanyan evolution that you want to get look like?
  3. Ok, i'll leave a note of that... If the jibanyan evolution you are looking for wasn't a charming tribe yo kai, what tribe would it be?
  4. What kind of yo kai do you like?
  5. That should balance your team! Done! Next question! If you were this yo kai for a day, what would you do?
  6. i can't think of any questions...
  7. Do you like memes?
  8. *heavy breathing* mmmm... ultimate cake sharing spliter! yum! owo oh... it's so chocolatey! omfg, i can't get enought! mmrthf!
  9. 1 hour later... oof i think i had a little too much
  10. anyway, what fusion do you want
  11. also don't worry about me

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Quiz topic: Should I evolve jibanyan into thornyan or baddinyan?