Should we be friends?

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This quiz will see if we would be good friends! I hope we can be friends! If you get a high score please tell me in the comments I would love to know how many people could be my friends!

I hope everyone who takes this quiz will be happy with their result! I’m going to spam now to fill the rest of the paragraph (sorry) hdjsbevhwhwbsksjsvhdje

  1. What is your age
  2. What is your favorite color (part 1)
  3. What is your favorite color (part 2)
  4. What is your gender
  5. Do you support the LGBTQ+ community?
  6. Do you think sexist people are stupid and need to stop or be put in jail for a long time!
  7. Do you have ADHD and super tall friends while you feel short so you basically went and got 3inches of hair chopped off and got bangs?
  8. Have you ever been heartbroken by your crush when he moved away so now you spend your free time writing songs about how you want to give him a black eye for revenge
  9. Do you have any pets
  10. Have you ever watch “When calls the Heart” and loved it?
  11. Have you ever watched Chesapeake shores?
  12. Do you love to read?
  13. Have you ever read “Princess academy” by Shannon Hale
  14. Are you Christian?

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