Should I Like Him?

This quiz is to help realise if you like someone or if it's just simply lust as a lot of people have this problem. Your results will give you the best advice on whether you should like the person or not.

Do you like the boy though? Or is it just a friend wanting to know if you like someone in class? To see if the person you think you like is the one you like then complete this quiz!

Created by: Shanice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you feel being around him in public?
  2. Would you trust him with your virginity or less dramatic a secret?
  3. Is he pleasant to be around?
  4. Do you share things in common?
  5. Do you think he likes you?
  6. Would you ever have a chance with him?
  7. Would you introduce him to your parents?
  8. What is he like to you?
  9. What is he like to your friends?
  10. Do you think you should like him?

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