save raven paw!

tigger claw is spreding a rumer that raven paw is a trater. you were horifid by the news that tigger claw wanted to dell with your friend. wold you be abale to save raven paw?

you have decided to help raven paw yo get away from his mentor tigger claw and lede a beter life. his fate and chanses for a beter life are in your paws...

Created by: raven paw
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you now thet tigger claw wants to get rid of raven paw. you deside to help. raven paw segests to put tigger claw in a good mode. what do you do?
  2. raven paw segets to plan things befor you do it. what time of day do you plan to exskape.
  3. were do you plan on taking raven paw
  4. just as you are sliping out bluestar (the leder) comes out of her den and askes were you are going. do you____
  5. as you are taking raven paw away from camp you spot a mouse. what do you do
  6. you come to the river and see that the watere levle has rosen covering the you_____
  7. you were walking akros a fild in enamy teratory weren you see long taill (one of your clan) taking to some roge cats. waht do you do.
  8. your pasing throug fore trees and find your self fase to fase with tigger claw do you____
  9. you see your friend gray stripe waht do you do
  10. you have finaly reched your desternation. what do you tell the cats arownd you

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