Santa Claus Quiz

Thanks for taking the Santa Claus Quiz. If you got a high score you are smart. If you got a low score you are dumb. Hope you have a good Christmas this year.

Even if you do not have Santa still see how much you know about him.Santa is my favorite person and Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. Thank you for doing the Quiz.

Created by: Superman
  1. Where does Santa live?
  2. How Fast does his sleigh go?
  3. How many reindeer does he have? (Also Count Rudolph)
  4. What is another name for Santa?
  5. What is his helpers called?
  6. What day of the year does he take off?
  7. Does he do all of the countries?
  8. What colors is his suit?
  9. What is his lead reindeer?
  10. What is a real Christmas song?
  11. What is his wife's name?
  12. What does Santa eat at houses?

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