Roommate Compatibility

There are many bad roommates out there, but a few true good ones. It seems that we are interested in getting to know you better, so please take this quiz and help us find out if you would be a great roommate addition.

Are YOU the perfect roommate? Do you have what we are looking for in a roommate to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes we will find out!"

Created by: Josh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I want to hang out with my roommate...
  2. I like to go out to bars/clubs
  3. Smoking...
  4. I only smoke...
  5. Flat out, do you do ANY drugs... this includes marajuana.
  6. Your cleanliness level is...
  7. I have a small dog, what is your opinion of them?
  8. Your thoughts on hosting house parties...
  9. My Philosophy on borrowing a roommate's stuff is
  10. My usual meal consists of...
  11. Having $560 + utility money to give my roommate on the 1st of every month will be...
  12. Overnight guests are...
  13. If my other roommates had to give me a grade on being a good roommate.. I would probably receive...
  14. What temperatures do you set the thermostat on?
  15. On the weekends, I usually...
  16. My interior decorating style is usually...
  17. When I go grocery shopping, I usually...
  18. It is Friday night and your friend drops by with a DVD of your favorite movie. Your roommate has already left to spend the weekend with family. After a few too many drinks, your friend gets a little drunk and is no condition to drive home safely, so you suggest that she/he stay for the night. Where do you let him/her crash?
  19. You are desperately short on cash, though you have enough food to last you until the end of the week. Payday is not for another three days. You know that your roommate is not starving for cash. You:

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