Riddles For You

bad dog i love unicorns start i dont like dinosaurs dinosaur grr man im a buffalo baa baa black sheep have you any wool yes sir yes sir three bags full

twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are humpty dumpty sat on a wall humpty dumpty had a great fall old macdonald had a farm e i e i o and on his farm he had some dinos e i e i o then the dinos ate old macdonald the end

Created by: Buffy Scruffy Buffalo
  1. Mary asked her English teacher which is right: 'My brother GOT the bigger half of the cake' or 'My brother HAD the bigger half of the cake'. What did the teacher say?
  2. Is it OK for a bus driver to go past two bus stops without stopping, three stop signs without stopping, and be on the phone the whole time?
  3. A rooster is sitting on a roof and the wind is blowing south. If it lays an egg, which way would it roll?
  4. What thing can you throw away the outside and cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside?
  5. The PE teacher plays cricket with his right hand, but he is left handed. Which hand does he use to stir his coffee?
  6. Which animals can jump higher than a house?
  7. A grandfather, two fathers, and two sons were fishing. They caught three fish, yet it was enough for all of them. How could this be?
  8. A farm had 17 sheep. During a storm all but 9 die. How many are left?
  9. You are in a race. You overtake the person in 2nd place. What position are you in?
  10. You are trapped in a room and your only chance of escape is to go through one of the three doors in front of you. BUT... you know that behind the first door there is toxic liquid. The second door holds an evil gunman. Behind the third door is a big lion which has not eaten for 3, 000 years. All of these will kill you(with exceptions obviously). Which door do you go through?

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