Reveal your inner Hermione

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The Harry Potter books are an amazing series full of amazing people the hero is Harry who always saves the day by either going through time or killing someone, guys I feel that without some credit where it is due (Hermione Granger) these amazing happenings could not happen.

Hermione is a wonderful independent woman with incredible brain power that she learnt from books and occurrences in her life. Hermione knows it all and has the world at her feet, do you have everything in common with this heroine? Take this quiz to reveal your inner Hermione and trust me there is a little bit of her in all of us.

Created by: Witchtastic
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather read:
  2. How much do you care about boys?
  3. What do you look for in a good teacher?
  4. You see Malfoy raising his wand ready to torture Dobby. What do you do?
  5. If you could choose a pet from the wizarding world what would it be?
  6. If you became a teacher for the day what subject would you teach?
  7. What would your dream love potion smell like?
  8. Out of the selection below what sweet do you like best?
  9. If you could be in any house but Gryffindor what would it be?
  10. Out of the selection below who would you go out with?
  11. Who would be your arch enemy?

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Quiz topic: Reveal my inner Hermione