RedHill Trivia Quiz

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Test your knowledge of the Minecraft sever RedHill by taking this quiz! This test includes obscure and simple information about the server so questions will vary in difficulty.

If any information on this test is inaccurate please tell me! If you haven’t already joined the server then you should! Join us here: Server IP:

Created by: Troy of The RedHill Website
(your link here more info)
  1. What is RedHill’s current IP address? (As of June 2019)
  2. Who is the current owner of RedHill? (As of June 2019)
  3. Who was the founder of RedHill?
  4. What month in 2016 was RedHill opened?
  5. What is the default rank on RedHill?
  6. What is the highest playtime rank on RedHill? (As of June 2019)
  7. What was the old RedEmerald rank called?
  8. How many possible playtime ranks are there?
  9. Who is the most active player on RedHill? (In total playtime)
  10. What is the most expensive donator rank on RedHill?
  11. Which of the following in *not* a reward that you receive from voting for RedHill?
  12. Which of the following are not a member of the RedHill staff team? (As of June 2019)
  13. Which of the following is not allowed on RedHill?
  14. Which of the following is *not* a RedHill staff rank?
  15. What Minecraft update prompted the creation of a move world in 2018 for players to store their items?
  16. Which RedHill staff member is *not* rank RedAdmin? (As of June 2019)
  17. What rank do you need to be in order to setup a shop at /warp shop on RedHill?
  18. What rank do you need to be in order to get access to the creative world on RedHill?
  19. Which RedHill event took place during October which featured various quests around a town map?
  20. Which of the following is *not* a RedHill rank?
  21. How many hours of playtime are required for the highest RedHill playtime rank?
  22. What is the link to the official RedHill website?
  23. Is RedHill a vanilla server?
  24. What was the old Owner rank called?
  25. Will you join RedHill at after taking this quiz?

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