Radiation, Nuked or Not?

Tests your knowledge of radiation. Do you know what exposes you to ionizing radiation? Tests your knowledge of radiation. Do you know what exposes you to ionizing radiation? Tests your knowledge of radiation. Do you know what exposes you to ionizing radiation? Tests your knowledge of radiation. Do you know what exposes you to ionizing radiation?

Take this quiz and find out! Take this quiz and find out! Take this quiz and find out! Take this quiz and find out! Take this quiz and find out! Take this quiz and find out! Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Curt
  1. Does a chest X-ray expose you to ionizing radiation? (ionizing radiation can damage DNA. increase risk of Cancer, or cause sickness if the exposure is high...)
  2. Does an MRI scan expose you to ionizing radiation?
  3. Does a CT (computed tomography) scan expose you to ionizing radiation?
  4. Microwave ovens cook food with ionizing radiation. Food can be radioactive if cooked too long.
  5. Flying in an airplane exposes you to more radiation than if you stay on the ground.
  6. Does a glow in the dark T-shirt expose the wearer to ionizing radiation?
  7. Radon gas is radioactive.
  8. GloFish are radioactive.
  9. Radiation is always harmful.
  10. Lead stops all radiation.

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