Radiants vs. Mercenaries

This quiz was to see if you are a sick minded radiant or an even sicker minded mercenary. Even though there is one nice mercenary. Do you like these ummmmmmm things? i hope so! anyway so go for it tiger!

Which are you. If you were a radiant hehe good luck with the world you lucky bastard! If u were half hehe you one stupid son of a gun. Hehe and most importantly the mercinary the best class!

Created by: TJ
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone were to come up to you and push you down on porpuse what would u do or say?
  2. If you were given a choice between any elemnt you wanted to master what would ut be?
  3. If your hand were to be chopped off by accident, (or on purpose) what type of thing would u replace it with?
  4. If someone were to take something precious of yours, what would u do to get it back?
  5. What music do u listen to?
  6. Your given a mission to kill someone, how would u kill this person?
  7. You are chosen to fight your best friend until one of you is knocked out, how would u react to this situation.
  8. If something evil or bad comes to your mind would u do it?
  9. If you were to be dissed uncontrollably what would happen to your confidence?
  10. If you were in public how would u hold your body?

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