Dr whovian's Profile

Dr whovian
Joined on Mar 27, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Dr whovian's Quizzes
- Are you a true daredevil?[published: Apr 23, 2015, 1 comment]
There are all kinds of daredevils out there. the ones that will do whatever they are dared to do……
- The vocab test **[published: Apr 23, 2015, 1 comment]
Here is the hardest test you will take in your entire life! introducing The Vocab Test. Ok maybe it's not that……
- How well do you know Prodigy by Marie Lu[published: Apr 22, 2015]
This is a quiz to see how much you know about the 2nd book in the legend trilogy;……
- how well do you know Legend by Marie Lu?[published: Apr 22, 2015, 1 comment]
Legend By Marie Lu is the first book in a trilogy. This quiz is to see how much of the……
Dr whovian's Recent Posts
"Oh ok that sounds cool."
"The book is a sci-fi about kids that are training for an exploratory experiment. When they actually start the experiment the results are not..."
"What needs fixed? (One thing remember to put a coma (,) before the last quotaion mark like this "I'm hungrey,")"
"I like those a lot thank you"
"Normally I don't have any trouble coming up with names for things, but I haven't been able to come up with anything. Lately so I decided to..."
"I am in the middle of death cure but I'll be done with it by tomorrow. I really love Maze Runner ..."
"Avengers: age of ultron"
"Lion king, Aladdin, Big Hero 6, Maleficent, and tons more"
"I could never pick but LOTR and the Hobbit trilogy's are pretty awesome!"
"Camp Rock two (watching it now)"
"No that's not really how it works. I believe in a forgiving god who wouldn't punish people by sending them to Hell. Humans make mistakes and..."
"Try to look up the evidence of Christ existence. If you haven't already seen it try watching God's NOT dead it might just be a movie but it ..."
Dr whovian's Recent Quiz Comments
"100% Katniss not lying whoo hoo!"
1 -
"12th so yeah not too bad. Although some of the questions didn't really have the answer I would've picked "
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"I'm not really sure what these questions (or answers) had to do with "understanding" boys."
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"I got "Fake it" dead on dude. Good quiz"
1 -
"Average. I feel like some of these questions were a bit extreme like just because I don't want to kill my sister for taking something of…"
1 -
"The first question was about getting "chased by a lion" I'm not sure if fighting it is brave or just stupid. Great quiz I got brave as…"
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"I got 95% cool"
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"Newt! Whoop whoop (does happy dance)"
1 -
"This is what it told me "You don't try hard, but you haven't failed either. You still need to revise more but only a little because your…"
1 -
"Bijou once and Arcadia once this is a pretty cute quiz "