chloexoxo's Profile

Joined on May 29, 2017
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
7-Year Club
100 Quiz
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chloexoxo's Quizzes

  • I Can Read Your Mind
    [published: Jun 03, 2017]

    Magicians can always see through your mind, either through faking, guessing, psychological patterns, or……

  • Are you gay, lesbian or straight?
    [published: May 29, 2017]

    Sexism has been a serious issue around the globe. There are people who feel affection towards……

  • The Nursery Maths Quiz
    [published: May 29, 2017, 2 comments]

    Hi it's Astrodatia, and here I've made you a mathematics quiz for nursery kids! This is quite a tricky……

chloexoxo's Recent Posts

  • quiz link
    "[url=[no urls]]Are you gay, lesbian or straight?[/url]"
  • quiz link
    "[no urls]"
  • Coffee

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