I Can Read Your Mind

Magicians can always see through your mind, either through faking, guessing, psychological patterns, or clever mathematicsthat take up long equations.

I can read your mind. I won't tell you how. Do you have the brainpower to uncover this secret? But thanks to this quiz, your mind will be read and in just a few minutes you aill find out!

Created by: Tulips
  1. Think of a number, any positive interger.
  2. Square it.
  3. Add the result to your orginial number.
  4. Divide by your original number.
  5. Add, oh, how about 17.
  6. Subtract your original number.
  7. Divide by 6.
  8. You got a number.
  9. Remember it.
  10. Ready for your results

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Quiz topic: I Can Read my Mind