Pottermore Sorting Hat (The Sorting Hat is TRASH compared!)

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Walking around the vast halls of the ancient school they call Hogwarts, you wonder what house am i in? You turn and then you see a hat. Let’s put you on.

The Sorting Hat will ask you ten questions, and you will answer. The hat is skilled in Legilimency, so remember be honest or you might end up in a total disaster!

Created by: MaisiexNellie
  1. What’s your wand wood
  2. What’s your blood status
  3. Are you an introvert or extrovert or ambivert
  4. What animal is your favourite
  5. What’s your favourite food
  6. What’s your favourite coulor
  7. Who is your favourite Harry Potter trio
  8. What is your favourite book
  9. What house do you hope to be in?
  10. And as we draw to a close what do you think of the quiz? (This won’t affect your results x)

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