Please Don't Take This!

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Don't go any farther. I mean it. I told you not to take this, and you disobeyed me. I mean, you know this quiz could kill you. In fact, that is what it was meant to do.

Just kidding! But you need to stay away from this quiz. Do not enter. But if you really want to, there's no stopping you. It's your (short) life. You are stepping into a trap.

Created by: The R.
  1. I told you not to take this!
  2. Why do you even continue? Just click the "X" and you wouldn't feel so guilty!
  3. Do you like Vanellope?
  4. Okay, I'm getting bored.
  5. So I feel like screaming.
  6. How many more problems... I mean, questions are there?
  7. Name that song.
  8. How many siblings do you have?
  9. What language do you speak?
  10. Yay, the last question!

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