personality test

who is your personality are u super sweat or are u a SCUM be a ocve o lanfg o chanfgo give me a bum crum todayyyyyyb i love but crumbs i olve u ur a bum crum bum bum bum bum bum bummmmm

Are u sweet and kind or rude and obnoxious be sue sue to u ha py new yesr we fish is your mom a butttt we have and ur cheer good titingd for christmas a d

Created by: Gia
  1. if you could have anything in the world what would it be? j jdjodjvofvjofjvofvnjdnvjfvj
  2. if you had three wishes what would they be hvffhvifvhvi hv ihv hv hivb hv hv hvb hvb cib hfv
  3. what would be the toughest choice to make in your life?
  4. whats ur fav colour
  5. do u like
  6. hjhuhh
  7. pink or poop
  8. soft or chunky
  9. mansion or shack
  10. music or dance

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