Perfect relationship quiz

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There are few-many perfect relationship out there! You and your partner May or may not have the perfect relationship and maybe ther needs to be things fixed and not is the time to do that by being completely honest in this quiz and when your done compare your score with your partner and see how perfect your relationship is

There are few-many perfect relationship out there! You and your partner May or may not have the perfect relationship and maybe ther needs to be things fixed and not is the time to do that by being completely honest in this quiz and when your done compare your score with your partner and see how perfect your relationship is.

Created by: Jacob
  1. Scale 1-5 how much do you like your partner
  2. If you could marry your partner would you?
  3. What's your favorite feature on your partner
  4. What's your favorite feature on your partner face
  5. How often do you and your partner hangout
  6. How good do your partner look on a scale 1-5
  7. How often do you and your partner go out and do things exciting
  8. Would you like to go out to do more fun things?
  9. How often do you tell your partner good morning
  10. How often do you say good night to your partner
  11. When your not around your partner do you flirt with others
  12. How often do you tell your partner you love him/her
  13. How much do you think your partner like you on a scale 1-5
  14. How honest are you to your partner
  15. Do you flirt with your partner
  16. How often do you compliment your partner
  17. If your partner left you how would you feel
  18. If you saw your partner flirting with others what would you do
  19. How long do you plan on being with your partner
  20. How much do you enjoy being around your partner scale 1-5
  21. Do you trust your partner
  22. Would you ever cheat on your partner
  23. How often do you and your partner go on dates
  24. How honest were you taking this quiz? Scale 1-5

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