Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus

How well do you know the Percy Jackson books? Read them all? Good. I don't think there are any big giant spoilers in here, so have fun. Be awesome. No fangirling in the comments, please :P

Wait- I need a second paragraph? Why? Wow this website is really strict on the char act er requirements. If you don't mind I'm just going to keep typing. Says do not use gibberish or repeating characters...

Created by: artemisthegodess
  1. What were the insides of Grovers shoes filled with?
  2. What is Annabeth's name?
  3. What did Daedelus give Annabeth before he died?
  4. Where were the Di Angelos when Bianca didn't know what the subway was?
  5. One will be lost in the land without rain.
  6. What is one of Percy's greatest fears?
  7. What is the land beyond the gods?
  8. Which isn't right?
  9. Nico speaks fluent:
  10. Frank Zhang is a child of:
  11. Who comes (came) from Frank's spear?
  12. Leo+_____=

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