Ouran High School Host Club Test

The Ouran High School Host Club is an anime about a commoner, Haruhi, who accidently breaks a vase that is worth 8 million yen! now Haruhi must repay the club back! If you watch it, then take this test to see how much you paid attention!

The Ouran High School Host Club is an anime from Japan about a commoner, Haruhi, who accidently breaks a vase that is worth 8 million yen! now Haruhi must repay the club back! If you watch it, then take this test to see how much you paid attention!

Created by: Leif

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  1. How many hosts are there?
  2. Which Two are in the same class as Haruhi Fujioka?
  3. Is Haruhi a boy or a girl?
  4. What is Haruhi's Weakness?
  5. How many libraries are in the Ouran high school?
  6. What do the other club members call the coffee that Haruhi got?
  7. What is the brand of coffee that Haruhi bought for the club?
  8. Whats the theme the hosts dressed up as in the second episode?
  9. What is hikaru and koaru's favorite game?
  10. What is the word that Haruhi calls Tamaki?

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