Optimist or Pesamist?

Have you ever been asked wether the glass is half full or half empty? Do you look at life positively or negetively?

Are you an optimist or pesamis? I'm not going to tell you which is which if you don't know, because then knowing could effect your answers...

Created by: maggi
  1. You are getting ready to leave on a great dream vacation when your mother tells you that you might not be able to go. How do you react?
  2. Your dog got hit by a car and the chances are that he will die.
  3. You have a few more questions to go.
  4. How do you feel about death?
  5. How often do you check facebook?
  6. How do you feel today?
  7. Cats or dogs?
  8. Hobby?
  9. How do you end your day?
  10. Your brother is asleep. You have everything you need to...

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