I think I have an identical twin!!!! Want to find out if you’re it? OMG, HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO ACTUALLY MEET MY IDENTICAL TWIN??!!?? If you actually think you are after taking this quiz, you can follow the directions below to take further action.

Think you might actually be my identical twin? Follow these steps:1. Let me know in the comments what you’d result was and why you think you are my identical twin. 2. We will message each other in the comments to find out

Created by: Nunya
  1. You love horses
  2. What’s your hair color?
  3. How old are you? ( in 2023 )
  4. What zodiac are you? I don’t really believe in that stuff but I had to ask to find out about birthdays.
  5. What’s your eye color?
  6. You have a birthmark on your left leg on your on the side of your thigh. ( Is this true or did I just make all this up lol )
  7. What’s your hair type?
  8. You are adopted
  9. Do you look like your parents
  10. Do you wear glasses

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