Old Presidents Quiz

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This is a quiz about old presidents. When I say presidents, I mean Presidents of the United States of America, the only country that exists. When I say old, I mean pre-WWII, but mostly 19th century.

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Created by: gary
  1. Which president had the first Christmas tree in the White House?
  2. The writer Nathaniel Hawthorne made what claim about James Buchanan?
  3. William Henry Harrison died after being president for...
  4. Abraham Lincoln's horse, Old Bob, was named so to distinguish him from Young Bob, who was...
  5. Which president came close to joining the Donner Party?
  6. Thomas Jefferson invented which of these things?
  7. Whose job as a customs officer did Chester A. Arthur secretly protect while he was working at the Port of New York before his presidency?
  8. The 1959 Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit song "The Battle of New Orleans" is about a famous battle of the War of 1812, and mentions a president who fought in the battle. The lyrics mistakenly refer to him as a colonel, when he actually held the rank of major general. Which president was this?
  9. Which president was the first to have a bathtub with running water installed in the White House?
  10. Which president wrote the book "Fishing For Fun and to Wash Your Soul"?
  11. Who were the shortest and tallest presidents?
  12. What did Carl Panzram steal from former president William Howard Taft's house?
  13. James K. Polk is the first and, as of 2021, only president to sport which hairstyle?
  14. All but two of the presidents from Lincoln to Taft had facial hair. Who were the two that did not?
  15. Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft were close friends and political allies, but had a falling out and even ran against each other in the 1912 election. In 1918, where did they rekindle their friendship?
  16. Who was the first only child to be elected president?
  17. The word "sockdologizing" is significant in presidential history for what reason?
  18. Toy companies attempted to recreate the success they had with teddy bears, named after Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, by creating which toy in honour of a subsequent president?
  19. As of 2021, which 19th century president has a living grandson?
  20. Which president did Harry Truman describe as both "the best looking President the White House ever had" and "a nincompoop"?

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