Not Another Ood Quiz

This is a follow up to my other ood quiz, but you don't have to have taken the first one to take this one. If you want to take the first one, it is called "Did You Kiss An Ood and Did You Like It?"

Anyway, take this quiz, because you might finally actually find out what an ood is. Or you could Wikipedia it, but that's just cheating, and where's the fun in that?

Created by: OneOfTheGirls
  1. Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. Who is your favourite singer?
  3. Who is your favourite vampire?
  4. Which is your favourite song that begins with the letter W?
  5. What is your favourite song starting with S?
  6. What is your favourite song beginning with A?
  7. Do you want an ood?
  8. What is an ood, anyway?
  9. Can I crouch away?
  10. I'm going to have a million questions in this quiz!
  11. ...

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