Name these songs

Hello this is my very first quiz and I was not to sure about what to put so the first thing that came to my mind was songs. So please don't think it's weird.

Please leave a comment and tell me if u want more quizzes. If so tell me which ones. Hope u you enjoy. Tell me if you enjoyed it and how well u did in the comments. So bye.

Created by: Jennybecame
  1. Who is the singer of Shape of you?
  2. "I love it when you call me _________"
  3. Who wrote 'Just the way you are'?
  4. Which song has been written by Maroon 5
  5. Thiso is a random Question Which of these combos spell a song name.
  6. Which song has this line "cause I know when I know when I need you"
  7. "Cause the drinks bring back all the ____________'
  8. Who wrote Havana?
  9. Is the line 'Lovers Quarrel' from a song?
  10. Is 'Into the unknown' a song?

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