messy diaper quiz

A quiz for people with messy pants and diapers. All kind of people can take this quiz to see if they like pooping their pants and sitting in it. Enjoy!

A quiz for people with messy pants and diapers. All kind of people can take this quiz to see if they like pooping their pants and sitting in it. Enjoy. i know it's the same as the paragraph above. I couldn't think of a better story:)

Created by: abc
  1. What is your Age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Do you often poop your pants on purpose?
  4. Do you want to wear diapers?
  5. Do you Poop your diaper often?
  6. For how long do you stay in your pooped diapers/pants?
  7. Do you love the warm soft feeling of you pooped diaper?
  8. do you already sit in your mess?
  9. Did you enjoy the quiz?
  10. It' the end

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