Mermaid Name Quiz

There are many different species of mermaids. This quiz is about what name and personality you'd have if you were a man-eating mermaid. They lure unfortunate men to their watery deaths with the use of their beauty, song, and skill at hunting.

So what are you? The vicious type who will proudly drown a sailor or pirate or are you the submissive type who waits out till there is no more violence. Take this test to find out!

Created by: Samantha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color would you like for your tail the most?
  2. As a man-eating mermaid, how deadly would you want to be?
  3. How attractive do you find yourself? (Ps: you're gorgeous no matter what 👍)
  4. How active or energetic do you think you are?
  5. What do you think about killing your own food?
  6. What do you think of this quiz? (Don't worry it won't affect the results)
  7. How good do you think you are at singing?
  8. What do you think pirates are like?
  9. Which name is prettiest to you?
  10. Do you think you're one to get captured?

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