Maze Runnner Death Cure

Do you know the last trial if so take this test and see how well you know but if you don't know you will not pass so believe and Ya epic right like ya

This will be hard! just though remember the book and you won't suck! remember this is hard! if you can't do it you are dead to me! 12345678910 also give up now >=)

Created by: bob
  1. Through out the book what haunts Thomas
  2. Whats Rat Mans real name
  3. Does Brenda die
  4. At the end of the book what happens
  5. Is newt a crank
  6. What does Newts note say
  7. Who do they know in the right arm
  8. Does Thomas end up killing Newt?
  9. What are the guns wicked uses called
  10. Who wrote this book

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