Math quiz (How smart are you?)

This is a very amazing outstanding math quiz. here to there in the quiz, each subject of the kind of math will get harder and harder from overtime. But good luck out there, I'm rooting for you!

Well anyways, if you are yet still reading this for some reason, then I would just really want to say thankyou for taking my quiz and answering my polls. I really appreciate it a lot!

Created by: Minty animations
  1. What is 12-5
  2. 23+6
  3. 45+4
  4. 7-2+5
  5. ok let us do some multiplication! What is 4x2?
  6. 76x0
  7. 3x3-6=?
  8. Hope you are good with division! what is 1÷5?
  9. 6÷2
  10. To congratulate you from making it this far, have a cookie and a very easy bonus question! what is 1+4?

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Quiz topic: Math quiz (How smart am I?)

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