Make a Pie and I will tell you your powers

Some people think that eyes are the windows to your soul, but PIES are the mirrors! ... OK , so that may not be true, but the point is not to go look at the Pie...

........................ it's to become the Pie.(( I know, I crazy, just take my quiz)) this is my first quiz on this website, so please don't kill me in the comments.

Created by: Zouthbound
  1. Are you typically protective?
  2. What type of Pie?
  3. Do you make the Pie?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Which is more important: kindness or smarts?( Must choose ONE)
  6. Do you like my quiz?
  7. If you had the choice between saving the only one who can keep you alive, or the rest of the world, what would you choose?
  8. What crust?
  9. What about on top?
  10. Do you even like Pie?

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Quiz topic: Make a Pie and I will tell you my powers
